Jiu-Jitsu Letter

The Main Reason

I was talking to a friend after class about business and how we both rent our space out during times we’re not using it. I have a Tae Kwon Do teacher using the mat for a couple of hours, three days a week.

She asked if we referred students to each other. We haven’t. I don’t know if people walk in on his classes asking about jiu-jitsu, but he’s never referred anyone to me. And no one’s ever walked in during my class asking about TKD. Then again, all his signs are down by the time I get there, since only mine are permanent, so walk-ins don’t know about his offerings.

It got me thinking about what people are looking for when they sign up for a martial art. Some don’t know anything and sign up for anything. Others do their homework. Others just know what they know from TV and movies.

The first UFC was in 1993. Yet I drive by plenty of thriving TKD and Karate schools. They’re filled with kids. And they exist, of course, but it’s become pretty rare to find any adults training in any striking arts other than boxing or muay Thai. I know less than five.

When we hear about martial arts lessons, we hear about the benefits other than self defense. People talk about how they improve various aspects of their lives like confidence, focus, discipline, fitness, etc. Plus, it’s fun, or should be. These are all valid benefits, but they’re side benefits. Besides, I know plenty of jiu-jitsu people with low self-confidence, poor focus, or don’t actually have fun.1

The point of training is learning to fight. If you visit a martial arts school, and they talk more about the side benefits, then maybe the actual training isn’t that useful.

While we do mention the side benefits in marketing, good jiu-jitsu sells itself. It’s the best to focus on. It’s not only the most effective, it’s the only practical art that one can train forever.2

  1. Go find a new school if you’re not having fun. The culture may simply not be a fit for you. ↩︎

  2. I could look closer at tai chi. I used to see lots of old people doing that at parks. But I’m skeptical of its effectiveness against BJJ anyway. ↩︎

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