Jiu-Jitsu Letter

Maybe You're the Problem

On the recent El Segundo podcast episode, Lachlan Giles said this about students that get kicked out:

My experience running a gym has been, usually if someone messes up once, and you give him a second chance, you usually regret it.

This made me think about my school, and how I’ve been mostly right about people’s character and whether they’d be a fit when I first meet them. Most of the “wrong” fits never sign up, or leave after just a month. Thankfully.

When people visit my school and tell me they have experience from other schools, I typically don’t want them at mine. Recently, a school owner friend told me about multiple students that he’s kicked out, and every time, it’s been someone who’s trained elsewhere previously.

I know a few people who have jumped around, and I wonder if they’ll ever consider that maybe they were the problem.

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